The bank’s employees in Switzerland are volunteering during working hours

February 3, 2020

BNP Paribas takes a proactive approach to creating fair and sustainable growth. Allowing its employees to engage in charity work for a greener, more inclusive world, during worktime, is just one aspect of this approach. This is why the Group has made an ambitious commitment to reach one million hours of volunteering in 2020, all during worktime.

This experience allows us to meet people who go to work every day so that the worst-off members of society can eat a meal in a welcoming place. I think that this kind of experience should be mandatory, to remind people of the reality of poverty in Geneva in 2020.”

Antoine Decosterd, BNP Paribas’ employee volunteering at Carrefour-Rue

In line with this commitment, BNP Paribas in Switzerland has set itself a local target of 5,000 volunteering hours in 2020, and is offering its staff a personal annual allocation of 16 hours for volunteering.

Alone or as part of a team, each employee can give up his or her time to help local charities with their work on the ground or with their need for skills.

To launch this solidarity movement, an initial Volunteering Week was organised at the Geneva and Zurich sites from 27 to 31 January 2020. Throughout the week, bank employees prepared meals for the homeless, distributed clothes to disadvantaged members of the community, gave blood, and offered coaching to skilled migrant women.

The desire to contribute towards a sustainable economy is at the heart of BNP Paribas’s mission and strategy. For this commitment to influence each of the bank’s activities in Switzerland, sharing these convictions and mobilising all staff are essential. Allowing our employees to help local charities during worktime fits in perfectly with this approach, and we are very proud of the commitment shown by teams during this first Volunteering Week!

Isabelle Wolff
Head of Engagement
BNP Paribas in Switzerland

The volunteering week in figures