The BNP Paribas Swiss Foundation celebrates its 15 years in Geneva

September 25, 2017

The BNP Paribas Swiss  Foundation celebrates its 15 years in Geneva and announces an innovative partnership with the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne.

For its 15th anniversary, the BNP Paribas Swiss Foundation demonstrates its commitment on the façade of the bank in Geneva, with the participation of students from HEAD-Geneva. It has also chosen to mark this milestone with a new focus in its cultural activities by launching an innovative partnership with the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne.

A “large scale” celebration with the students of HEAD-Geneva

For the occasion of its 15th anniversary and as a part of the “helping hand” initiative for young talents, the students of the Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD-Genève)- one of the Foundation’s historical partners – were petitioned to illustrate the Foundation’s societal commitment. Half a dozen students in Visual Communication worked over the summer, as part of a workshop, on the representation of this commitment. Their creation will be displayed on the façade of the bank’s main building, Place de Hollande, until 20th October. This event marks the high point of a series of events prepared alongside its partners, who have been celebrating this anniversary throughout the year.   Visuel-megabache_VDEF Ilustration : Head-Genève | Communication visuelle



A new incentive for the Foundation: the digital mediation of culture with “LabElysée”

In addition, the Foundation is seizing the occasion of its 15th anniversary to give new impetus to its support of the cultural domain and as such, respond to the evolution of cultural issues. Along with its partners, it contemplates the issues linked to digital mediation and the adoption of new technologies by Swiss cultural institutions. The Foundation is therefore proud to be able to announce an innovative partnership with the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne around its new experimental space dedicated to digital culture, the LabElysée. In an era where Internet has become a tool for creation, the LabElysée already invites the visitor, at the Museum and online, to follow and participate in the process of designing the photography museum of tomorrow. The inauguration of this space will take place on Saturday 23rd September, for Lausanne’s Museum Night.     

15 years of cultural and societal commitment

Over 15 years, more than thirty cultural projects and about twenty societal initiatives have benefited from the support of the BNP Paribas Swiss Foundation, each borne by renowned partners such as the Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD-Genève), the Geneva Department of Public Education, the University Hospitals of Geneva, the Ecole Polytechnic Fédérale de Lausanne, the Grand Théâtre de Genève or the Beyeler Foundation in Basel.

The Foundation gets involved with the local organisations that it supports as a real partner and provides long-term support for their projects. It has always encouraged ties and the creation of dynamic positive exchange between BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA and the society. So it’s quite natural that over the years the focus of its actions has evolved to better meet with bigger societal issues.

In 2016, the Foundation therefore opened a channel of support for research on climate change. This new focus was originally marked by a partnership with the Swiss Polar Institute (based at EPFL) concerning a circumnavigation expedition in Antarctica.

“Celebrating 15 years of the BNP Paribas Swiss Foundation, is about demonstrating our desire to be a committed player in our local environment. From the start, the Foundation has turned towards the world of culture and that of social inclusion, constantly showing curiosity and intuition” Says Geoffroy Bazin, President of the BNP Paribas Swiss Foundation.

About the BNP Paribas Swiss Foundation

Established in 2002 and since its creation, the BNP Paribas Swiss Foundation has been committed to encouraging dialogue between the banking world and its local environment, concerning issues in a cultural, social and environmental context. It’s devoted to sponsoring Swiss artistic heritage, encouraging young creators and performers, promoting education and social inclusion, as well as supporting research on climate change.

Press contacts

Isabelle Wolff


Laurence Anthony