Read the analysis of Philippe d’Arvisenet, head of economic research
Analysis by Philippe d’Arvisenet’s as published in L’Hebdo on 10 January 2013
Philippe d’Arvisenet, head of economic research at BNP Paribas, was in the city of Calvin on 10 January to talk to L’Hebdo. On the agenda: a discussion about the Swiss National Bank and the placement of its reserves. For Philippe d’Arvisenet: “Sovereign fund or not, it’s the taxpayer that assumes the risk.” This meeting provided the economist with an opportunity to go back over the size of the SNB’s balance sheet and solutions for the placement of its surplus reserves, as well as other subjects such as the Fed’s quantitative easing measures, the short-term rates of central banks and French competitiveness. Read the interview with Philippe d’Arvisenet on the site of L’Hebdo and here*. *Source: Yves Grenier, L’Hebdo, 01.10.13