Maria-Antonella Bino appointed Head of Compliance & Legal Affairs
BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA announced the appointment of Maria-Antonella Bino, the former Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Public Ministry of the Confederation, as the Head of Compliance, Legal Affairs and Permanent Control starting on 1 June 2013. Maria-Antonella Bino will join the Executive Management of BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA on that date and will work with Pascal Boris, the CEO. Maria-Antonella Bino succeeds Paul Perraudin, who will retire at the end of 2013 after having ensured a smooth transition by working in close collaboration with Maria-Antonella Bino. Maria-Antonella Bino became a Federal Examining Magistrate in 2002 and then became the Federal Public Prosecutor and Deputy General Prosecutor at the Public Ministry of the Confederation in 2011. Maria-Antonella Bino has, in particular, been in charge of Francophone Switzerland at the Office of the Public Prosecutor for the Confederation, essentially focused on trying white collar crimes and corruption. Pascal Boris, CEO of BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA, said, “I am grateful that an important person like Maria-Antonella Bino has decided to join BNP Paribas. I would like to thank Paul Perraudin for his unfailing professionalism and his contributions to BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA.”