BNP Paribas Switzerland staff supports refugees in Bernex
As part of our CSR programme, the Swiss division of BNPP held a solidarity event during the afternoon of 25th August, giving employees the opportunity to meet and talk with migrants, while making a contribution to the development of organic agriculture locally.
BNP Paribas, supporting social initiatives
The initiative is a great example of our CSR strategy in action, illustrating our commitment to issues of citizenship and society. It was an ideal opportunity for BNPP Switzerland to align itself with the Group as a whole on the subject of supporting refugees.
Our employees’ contribute to helping refugees…
The aim of the afternoon session was to rally our employees around the bank’s core values, while doing our bit to promote the integration of migrants. This experience gave participants an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, getting to know and understand each other better.
…And gain awareness on matters of sustainable development
With a variety of workshops, participants were invited to explore the challenges and opportunities of sustainable development and agro-ecology.
« I had an idea, a picture in mind of how our guests Aiyar, Gaukhar and Eva would be, but I was totally wrong! In the end, the only difference between us is language. » Mark
« In our group we had two Syrian woman who had been through different experiences, and their stories were really interesting. I learned a lot about Syria, especially about how people manage to go on living in wartime.» Eric
Mamajah, solidarity and eco-design
Our hosts for the afternoon were Mamajah, a local association dedicated to solidarity and eco-design, with a large plot of farmland just outside Geneva. The participants had lunch together, then set about harvesting vegetables, sculpting wood, weeding the land and taking part in a quiz on sustainable development.
« I’m also involved with another charity dedicated to helping migrants integrate, so it was really important for me to come and meet other associations working in the same field, and chat with the migrants here to find out how they’ve been welcomed in Bernex. »Maya
A total of 35 employees took part in this afternoon event embracing solidarity. Once the ice was broken, the atmosphere was warm and friendly. At the end of the day, many participants exchanged phone numbers and promised to get together soon.